Rosé Landing Page

Mobile first home page developed for a fictional company Rosé an eyeglass company that was looking to get more leads to try on eyewear at home along with promoting their new sunglass collection.


This fictional website was geared towards:

  • women aged 30-40

  • employed full time/with a career

  • married with children

  • who have limited time to shop for themselves

So being able to try things on at home is important.

You can see the logo, color pallet, fonts and other items on the left in my Adobe XD art board where I created this mobile first landing page.

1st Fold– focusing on new sunglasses

1st Fold– focusing on new sunglasses


To the right you will see that in the bottom of the 2nd fold and into the 3rd fold it was time to focus on trying on glasses at home.

Starting off with a bold tagline that states the “Try At Home” ideas. I continued with some names of drinking classes for the different styles of glasses. I also picked shades of wine as the main colors under each frame.

After showing off the frames it was time to quickly explain how the “Try At Home” process worked so website visitors would know exactly what to do. (This section is below)

How to try on glasses at home

How to try on glasses at home

Right from the start I wanted to bring the attention to the new “Vino Collection” of sunglasses.

First with including women wearing sunglasses as the main images followed by showing off those sunnies at the beach and pool.

2nd fold with more sunglasses

2nd fold with more sunglasses

Showing off the try at home frames

Showing off the try at home frames


You can scroll through the entire mobile first homepage that I created for Rosé in Adobe XD by clicking here>>

The final sections of the website included a form for visitors along with the ability to ask a question or to call Rosé directly with any questions.

Also included a call us section and a footer that had more options for a visitor including finding an eye doctor, insurance and the ability to shop specific types of eyewear.
