Keurig Email Design System


Email Redesign

Design System & Developed Emails

Keurig Delivered Confirmation Email

Email Design System

In August 2022 Keurig launched a new SMART Brewer/Coffee Maker and in preparation, a redesign of their entire email communications was coordinated. I represented my agency as the developer and collaborated with the design team at Keurig to code this email design system. Salesforce Marketing Cloud was the ESP utilized and the system was developed in Email Studios. Over 100 emails were coded into this new module system and 45 brand new emails were also developed.

Types Of Emails Adjusted:

  • Promotional

  • Transactional

  • Loyalty/Subscription Program

  • SMART Brewer Focused

  • Abandoned Cart


Primary color

By using a consistent set of primary colors in email design, the brand can be easily recognized and remembered by the viewer.

Secondary colors

Secondary colors were used to add depth and dimension to the email design by creating contrast and highlighting certain elements. These colors were utilized for different module background colors, buttons, and headlines.

Email Design System Module Blocks

I coded a variety of HTML module blocks for this email design system that represents Keurig’s brand design and messaging guidelines. It allowed us to ensure that each email campaign sent out meet agreed-upon standards.

This module system was developed to allow us to select saved module blocks within Content Builder that we want to use and customize them as needed. This helped streamline the email creation process and allowed time to focus on other important aspects of the email marketing strategy.


Header Block Module-3 Blocks

Three different headers were designed to represent the three email types that fall within This was a visual way for emails to be seen as a part of the same stream of communications. The three main types of emails were decided to be transactional, promotional, and SMART Brewer focused.


Footer Block Module

One universal footer was utilized across all emails for featuring their brand color Dark Roast as the background color.


Completed Emails

Bringing different module blocks together I was able to create 100’s of emails at Keurig utilizing the Email Design System.

Click on the images to expand them and view the full emails.


AMPScript and dynamic content were utilized throughout these emails to provide a personalized user experience when possible, some of these wins that came from this include:

  • The ability to pull in the user’s specific brewer when speaking about coffee maker maintenance, onboarding/getting to know your coffee maker.

  • Month In Review pulled in specific user usage information including an image of their top brewed product, the name and brand along with the number of times that product was brewed.

  • Abandoned Cart series that also included an abandoned category that allowed us to send a broader Keurig email even if a user did not put items into their actual cart.