Dynfly Digital Campaign


Dynfly Mockups

Strategy & Design Lead

Landing Page Mockup

Business Setup

Problem: How do we get Dynfly to commit to the SSDM Agency for their next agency partner?

Tactic Strategy:

  • Landing Pages- created a mockup showing some ways to update their current landing page

  • Social Media- created mockups for Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram

  • Display ads- created mockups for potential display ads

Concept: Collaborated with a content manager to create new copy and a slogan for Dynfly to showcase what the agency could do for the company

Social Media & Display Ad Development

Dynfly display ad concept (click to view a larger size)

Pinterest Ad Idea (click for larger size)


Creating mockups for Dynfly I wanted to showcase the fun colors on their website, how easy their services are to use, while also showing off the hair.


Landing Page Mockup

Results: We won the business!

After landing the business, I was able to work on storyboarding for a commercial shoot for Dynfly. Along with making some edits to help users navigate the website easier and created social media ads from all the new assets we shot.